3 simple apps to secure your online browsing

Mar 10, 2017360TS
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Among all the applications we use to connect to the world, browser is the most essential one. We use browsers to surf the web everyday and leave digital footprints everywhere. Being so information rich, a browser is the favorite target of cyber attackers.

Cybercriminals initiate a variety of browser-based attacks, from a phishing link in your e-mail to a compromised site that injects malware to your PC. If malicious attackers manage to break in, they can steal your passwords, credit card data, and other personal credentials.

3 simple apps to secure your online browsing

To create a safe browsing environment, 360 Total Security has prepared you several tools to defend against online threats and make you browse securely. Check what are in the toolkit:

1. 360 Internet Protection – Best Protection for your online shopping and banking

360 Internet Protection browser add-on checks the URL you are visiting with our constantly updated lists of unsafe websites and prevents you from landing on a malicious site.

The advanced protection mode will be turned on automatically when you shop online or process a payment transaction to guard your password, bank account information and credit card details.

[Get 360 Internet Protection Add-on Now]

2. Opera – Say goodbye to poisoned links and malicious websites

Recognized as the most secure browser, Opera takes your online safety on the web seriously. Once you enter a web page, the browser checks if your connection is safe and if the page is on the fraud and malware blacklist.

After confirming the page is clean, Opera further preemptively blocks insecure active contents on the page, like scripts, plug-ins and ads, allowing you to explore the world safely and uninterruptedly.

[Get Opera Browser Now]

3. TurboVPN – Secure your data and enjoy true privacy

Browsing on a public wifi network is like having a conversation in a public place. Other people can easily overhear it and pick up your private information.

360 TurboVPN protects your privacy by encrypting your data transmitted, changes your online location, and keeps you away from trackers, snoopers or other prying eyes.

[Get 360 TurboVPN now]

Arm your PC with our security tools for browsing today!

360 Total Security stands on the first line against hacker attacks, phishing scams, and any other online threats. No matter you are working, shopping, banking or having fun online, you are always protected. Install these 3 apps and browse the web with security and privacy from now on!

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