360 Total Security Blog

360 discovered the most vulnerabilities globally in 2017

Speaking of vulnerabilities, people wouldn’t forget about the EternalBlue, which exploited by the worldwide WannaCry ransomware and then the NotPetya cyberattack, and caused huge loss. In the digital era, vulnerability existing in your PC, software, phones, apps is one of the biggest opportunities for attackers to intrude your property. White hat hackers become extremely important since they discover vulnerabilities for manufactures or developers to fix.

As the leading security company, 360 found 519 vulnerabilities in 2017, contributing the most to the cybersecurity globally and breaking the record of 408 vulnerabilities from 2016.

360’s most powerful white hat hacker team

The 519 vulnerabilities found covered mobile, PC, virtualization software, and open source software.

According to Google’s record, 360 teams, including 360 Alpha Team, 360IceSword Lab, and 360 C0RE Team had discovered 277 vulnerabilities on Android system, which was 7 times more than Google’s security team.

In the PC territory, 360 had found 81 vulnerabilities in Microsoft, being rewarded the third place worldwide and wining the most Microsoft bounty programs by number.

360 also found 51 vulnerabilities in virtualization software, 36 vulnerabilities in open source software, and reported 20 vulnerabilities to other security companies to help provide a safer, and strict Internet for all people.

The first on GSMA’s Mobile Security Research Hall of Fame

360 UnicornTeam found a high risk vulnerability in 4G LTE CS Fallback and reported to GSMA (Groupe Speciale Mobile Association), thus becoming the first who got put on the Mobile Security Research Hall of Fame.

The combat of human intelligence

Cybersecurity basically is the combat between talents. Such remarkable accomplishments reflected on the 14 security teams in 360, which fully embody investigations of all different systems, applications, network, IoT, Internet of Vehicles, cloud computing, and virtualization.

Among all these teams, 360 Vulcan Team, specializing in cyber attack defense and concentrating on discovering software and application vulnerabilities, has won its reputation during hacking competition Pwn2Own, and Mobile Pwn2Own by cracking IE and Chrome browsers.

In March, 2017, Pwn2Own, 360 Vulcan Team cracked Edge Win10 and VMmare, which created the record of the most difficult hack and won the champion of “Master of Pwn.”

On the other side, 360 Alpha Team specializes in uncovering vulnerabilities hidden in Android systems. It had won championships in 4 different hacker competitions within 1 year, becoming the first team who has reached this record in the world.

The team IceSword, also the top vulnerability finder in the Android field, had been thanked 72 times by Android, which was ranked no. 1 in the world in 2016. And it was thanked 64 times by Google, 14 times by Microsoft , 11 times by Huawei, and 23 times by Qualcomm.

The security talent is definitely the key that we can survive from all these disparate and increasing cyberattacks. 360 is committed to the fundamental resources of cybersecurity and improving the core competence of the product and corporation. On this basis, 360 will develop even more sophisticated strategies and research strengths on the discovery of a safer Internet.