360 Total Security exclusively protects against highly dangerous Microsoft Office vulnerability

Nov 29, 2017360TS
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Microsoft just released its security updates of November. Within all the vulnerabilities fixed , the CVE-2017-11882 is the most dangerous one and has been lurking around for 17 years. Users may be hit by simply opening a document without any further operation. Almost all the mainly used Office versions are on the target list. When a PC is affected, attackers can use this exploit to run arbitrary code to gain control of this computer.

Currently, Microsoft only offers security updates for Office2007 sp3, Office2010 sp3, Office2016 and later versions. At this moment there’s still no available patch for older Office versions. Fortunately, 360 Total Security is able to intercept this threat with no limit on the Office version, guaranteeing the ultimate PC security for each user.

Office files like documents, sheets and slides are usually considered safe, for they are not executable. However, when the Office software itself is exploited, these “virus-free” files will turn into cyber attackers’ weapon.

What’s worse, the code of this CVE-2017-11882 vulnerability had been published on the Internet long time ago. This means that every individual with malicious intention can use this exploit to initiate an attack through a phishing email or online shared files.

360 Total Security aims to ensure a threat-free environment for each user. Even if there’s no official security patch supported, users who are using an older version can still stay protected with 360 Total Security safeguarding their PC.

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