Clean up junk files and get more space

Jun 18, 2015360TS
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Use Cleanup to get more space and boost your PC's performance

Low space disk is a common problem we only discover when we see the infamous Windows pop-up notification while copying photos or videos to our hard drive. In many occasions, we will not even know how did we run out of space that quickly.

360 Total Security helps you to detect and remove the junk files left behind by regular web browsing, installation and uninstallation of software. These files can occupy a very valuable space on your computer and even slow down the performance of the computer.

Cleanup performs a quick analysis, detecting plug-ins and junk files on your system, including temporary and cache files from your OS, Web browser and Applications.


The scan will generate a report on the amount and type of all these junk files on your computer. You can manually select which files you want to clean up or ‘Select all’ to remove all of them. Simply click ‘Clean up’ button and 360 Total Security will clean these files for you.


After the cleaning is completed, Cleanup will inform you of the total amount of freed space.


You can also free even more space with System Backup Cleaner. This tool, available in Tool Box, is specifically designed to help you managing and removing old system backups.

Get more space and boost the performance of your PC with 360 Total Security.

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